Code of Ethics

MRC Industries, Inc. Code of Ethics

As a community non-profit organization, MRC Industries, Inc. has a special responsibility to fulfill its mission in ways that address everyone’s best interests and meet the highest ethical standards. Our responsibilities are addressed in this Code of Ethics. MRC’s Code of Ethics will be reviewed annually by staff and the Board and at orientation for new staff.

At MRC we exemplify these values:

  • Accountability
  • Commitment
  • Compassion
  • Diversity
  • Integrity
  • Professionalism
  • Respect

Our core values are:

  • Compassionate Collaboration
  • Advocacy
  • Community
  • Empowerment

Board Responsibilities

The Board of Directors pledges to:

  • Promote MRC’s mission
  • Promote diversity in staff and Board
  • Set policy
  • Oversee MRC’s financial stability
  • Ensure programs meet the needs of consumers
  • Actively participate in fund-raising endeavors
  • Fulfill all legal requirements and regulations

Service Quality

MRC is committed to develop and support high quality services that meet the needs of MRC consumers in a professional, person-centered, and compassionate manner.
MRC is committed to providing services that meet or exceed customer expectations for quality, cost, and delivery.

Fiduciary and Corporate Responsibility

MRC is committed to fiduciary and corporate responsibility. Financial activities will comply with necessary standards and regulations.
MRC staff and Board will comply with Policies on Corporate Compliance and Corporate Responsibility which detail individual and agency responsibilities regarding waste, fraud, abuse, or other wrongdoing.

Employees/Human Resources

  • MRC believes that each employee is entitled to be treated fairly and with dignity and respect.
  • MRC will provide processes for conflict resolution.
  • All Human Resources policies will be written, approved by the Board of Directors, compiled in a manual, and communicated and available to all staff.
  • All Human Resources policies will be applied equally and fairly to all employees.

Safeguarding the Rights of Recipients

  • All service recipients will be treated equally, regardless of funding source.
  • Employees will protect the dignity of the people served and will ensure that all interactions with service recipients are respectful.
  • Confidentiality will be respected according to the guidelines established in the Michigan Mental Health Code and HIPAA regulations.
  • Employees will not engage in financial transactions with consumers or hold cash or other property on behalf of consumers.
  • Staff are expected to report all rights violations promptly according to established procedures and time frames.

Business Practices

  • Rehabilitation funds will not be used to lower quotes below market value.
  • MRC requires employees to comply with the antitrust laws of the United States, to compete in the marketplace, and not to enter into agreements with competitors in regard to restricting competitiveness through price-fixing, market share, decisions not to quote, etc.
  • MRC respects the concept of unionized labor and will not knowingly take struck work.
  • MRC requires all employees to use only legitimate practices in business operations and in promoting its position on issues before governmental authorities.
  • No payment of anything of value (in the form of compensation, gift, contribution, or otherwise) will be made to any customer, official, or governmental entity for the purpose of inducing or rewarding any favorable action.
  • Ordinary and reasonable business entertainment or gifts of nonsubstantial value may be authorized in a very limited set of circumstances by the CEO or Associate Director of Human Resources.

Nonpartisan Nature of MRC

  • MRC will not support or make any contribution to any political party or to any candidate for political office.
  • MRC will provide information about all major candidates running for election and the pros and cons of ballot issues, drawing on the resources of nonpartisan groups such as the League for Women Voters.
  • Upon request, MRC will refer consumers to community resources that facilitate voter access, irrespective of the consumer’s choice of candidates or position on issues.
  • Individual employees are free to support or make contributions to political parties or candidates or ballot issues as long as they do not designate themselves as MRC employees.

Public Positions

  • The MRC Board of Directors may take a position on existing or proposed legislation, government policies or practices, or ballot proposals or millages based on potential risk or benefit to people served by MRC.
  • MRC is free to communicate information about these possible risks and benefits to the general public, legislators, and governmental officials.

Marketing/Fund Raising

  • MRC will make fair and honest representations to the public in the areas of fund development, marketing, and public relations.
  • MRC does not ask consumers to solicit funds for the agency.
  • Personal fundraising by staff or consumers on agency premises requires prior management team approval. Staff may not solicit consumers while engaged in personal fundraising.


  • MRC is committed to safety in the workplace for all staff, consumers, and volunteers, both on- and off-site.
  • MRC will conduct its operations in a safe and healthy environment that meets or exceeds legal requirements for building, equipment, grounds, and vehicles.
  • While MRC does not take responsibility for the personal property of others on its premises, it does not condone theft or willful destruction of MRC’s or others’ property. These situations are discussed in detail in Section 9.3 of MRC’s Personnel Policies and in consumer handbooks for each program.

Multiple Relationships

Staff are expected to establish and maintain professional boundaries in their relationships with persons served. Multiple relationships, whether current, past, or contemplated or promised in the future, must be disclosed to MRC administration. Staff may not take advantage of any professional relationship to exploit persons served or to further their own personal, religious, political, or business interests. Sexual or romantic relationships between staff and persons served are prohibited.
Individuals in peer positions will observe appropriate boundaries with individuals receiving services and will ensure that all relationships and services are conducted according to clinically appropriate criteria in the best interest of the consumer.

Staff may witness non-agency documents for consumers unless doing so presents a potential conflict of interest.

Conflict of Interest

Staff and Board will be familiar with and abide by MRC Industries, Inc.’s Policy on Conflict of Interest which details expectations around acceptance or exchange of gifts, money, or gratuities.

Social Media and Media Relations

Staff will be familiar with and abide by MRC’s Policy on Social Media and Policy on Media Relations which cover expectations regarding accuracy, confidentiality, proprietary information, use of social media during work time, expression of personal viewpoints, and statements on behalf of the agency.

Violations of this Code of Ethics

MRC staff, students, or volunteers

  • Alleged violations will be referred to the MRC CEO for investigation and resolution.
  • Serious violations will be reported to the Board Chairperson and Human Resources Committee.

Board member or MRC CEO

  • Alleged violations will be referred to the Board Chairperson and Executive Committee.
  • After an investigation, this group will consider the impact of the actions on the reputation of MRC and make a recommendation to the Board of Directors.

Upon an initial report of an alleged violation of MRC’s code of ethics, a preliminary investigation will be conducted within seven days. The investigation will be completed within 45 days unless additional information is forthcoming. Confidentiality throughout the investigative process will be maintained. Findings will be documented and will be confidential. Any investigation resulting in a finding against the employee may result in disciplinary action as outlined in Section 9 of MRC’s Personnel Policies.

MRC does not exercise or tolerate retaliation toward individuals who report ethics violations, fraud, abuse, or waste in good faith. Employees are covered by the Whistleblowers Act.

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